Sabtu, 26 Januari 2013

penjelasan Liatening UN SMK Tahun 2006

                                                                                                By: Drs. Gholib askar,M.pd.
PART I                     
1.       Look at the picture number  1!
a.       The girl painting flowers
b.       The band is playing a country song
c.       The musician is performing on the stage
d.       The painter is working on her masterpiece.
Jawabannya:  C (musisi itu sedang mempertunjukan/menampikan di panggung)

2.       Look at the picture number 2!
a.       The train is running by the river
b.       The ship is sailing on the river
c.       It’s raining heavely on the mountain
d.       The people are gathering around the tran
Jawabannya: A(kereta api itu sedang berjalan/bergerak di dekat sungai)

3.       Look at picture number 3!
a.       The mother is cooking for her son
b.       They are having a picnic in the park
c.       The boy is playing alone in the house
d.       She is carrying the boy on her shoulders
Jawabannya : D(dia (P) sedang membawa atau menggendong anak(L) itu di pundaknya)

4.       Woman    : “when will the plane arrive?”
Man         : a. Jane will depart at six
                   b. at four thirty according to the scehdule
                   c. it will take off twenty minutes
jawabannya: B(menanyakan waktu,”pada jam 4:30 sesuai dengan jadwal”)

5.       Woman    :  “what size do you wear in shoes?”
Man         :  a. It’s forty
                   b. i need a bigger size
                   c. they were here already
jawabannya: A (menyakan ukuran:”(ukurannya) adalah empat puluh)

6.       Woman    :”how was your  trip to santani lake?”
Man         : a. Great. I’ll be back again Sunday

                b. ok, but i prefer to have coffe
                c. good, i sent the money to him
jawabannya: A (menanyakan keadaan/khabar: ”bagus sekali, saya akan kembali lagi pada hari minggu”)

7.       Woman    :  “do you know that we are going to have a new manager?”
Man         :  a. Yes, we manager to arrive on time
                   b. yes, he will introduce himself today
                   c. no, we are not going anywhere today.
Jawabannya : B (suatu respon terhadap perkenalan:”ya, dia akan memperkenalkan dirinya(sendiri) hari ini”)

8.       Man         :  “i didn’t see you at the cocktail party. Where are you?”
Woman    :  “my car wouldn’t start. How was the party?”
Man         :  “great. Every body was there”
Jawabannya:  C (laki-laki itu menanyakan secara tidak langsung bahwa dia menikmati pestanya)

9.       Man         :  “what  are we goingo to do after to do work?”
Woman    : we can have dinner at the plaza at 07:00 if we like”
Man         : “it’s sound good. I’ll pick you up at 06:30. We need half an hour  to get there”
Jawabannya: D (pada jam 06:45 diperkirakan mereka berada dalam perjalanan ke plaza)

10.   Man         : do you speak japanes?”
Woman    : “no,i am from thailand. I speak only my native language and anglish, miss
                   Matsura is from  japan”
Man         : “thank you, i need  japanes  and korean  speakers”
Jawabannya: A (bahasa daerah perempuan itu adalah  bahasa thai)

11.   Man         : “ do you still have a seat for this afternoon flight?”
Woman    ; “let me see,is Quantas ok”?
Man         : “i prefer garuda if availabel”
Jawabannya: B (laki-laki itu sedang memesan tiket)

Question number 12 and 13 are based on the following speech
Man :   ladies and gantelman, welcome to the annual sales convention of  our multi level marketing business. We will be here for  three days in a row for two reasons to pick the foot of our work and to strengthen our spirit. I know that all of you have worked hard during the pst year and yaht’s why you deserve big incentives and extra bonuses. You will soon find out how generous the company is to those who are  willing to make an effort. Waht’s more important, however, is that we are here to establishy a more solid teamwork .
12.               Jawabannya: B (rapat/konvensi itu berlangsung selama 3 hari)
13.               Jawabannya : C (pidato itu membicarakan tentang pembentukan tim kerja penjualan)
Question 14 to 15 are based on the following radio commercial.
Woman: Bored off eating similar food day after day. Do you want to change? Trust steak House restourant. Steak House Restaurant is on the third floor of the most famous meeting point in town, the plaza. Enjoy our salmon steak for any ten dollars and fourty-five cents or  chiken steak for eight dollars and ninety cents. Or  you might want to taste a saline or tenderloin steak whit mashed potato. Eeeeeeeeemmmmmm .....marvelous. come whit  your family and have a big feast at steak Haouse Restaurant  on the third floor of the plaza.
14.               jawabannya: D (yang di iklan kan adalah berbagai jenis bistik)
15.               jawabannya: C (Steak House Restaurant di lantai tiga (gedung) Plaza)

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